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Gifts for confirmation and communion
The introduction of the child into society is a popular and widespread ritual. Be it in the Catholic Church as a Communion or in the Protestant Church as a Confirmation, this particular introduction to the adult world is always a significant turning point in the life of every child.The first communion of the Catholic Church, that is, the first participation in the sacrament, is one of the holy sacraments of the Church in addition to baptism and confirmation, and is usually celebrated in Germany in the second or third year of the child. After receiving communion, children are also able to become ministrant in the community. However, due to a lack of general regulation within the church, customs are different in many countries and churches.
The Protestant confirmation stands for entry into the "ecclesiastical" world of adults. So if a child participates in the confirmation, so it personally verifies its affiliation to the respective community. For this reason, the confirmation is also usually carried out in the 14th year of age, because it employs the religious maturity of the child. Confirmation as well as communion also constitute the conclusion of a religious instruction (communion or confirmation class or catechism examination).
In both cases, the initiation is celebrated in the form of a service. The timing is different, however. The First Communion is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter and is also called White Sunday. However, as many congregations have moved to this date, the first of May, Ascension or another date in April or May is quite common. The confirmation is generally celebrated on Palm Sunday, as this date traditionally coincided with the end of schooling and the beginning of the apprenticeship. But here are other dates between Easter and Pentecost possible.